Saturday 10 January 2015

What Is Jainism ?

Jainism traces its roots to a succession of 24 Jinas (“those who overcome”, or conqueror) in ancient East India. The first Jina is traditionally believed to have been a giant who lived 8.4 million years ago. The most recent and last Jina was Vardhamana (a.k.a. Mahavira, “The Great Hero”) He was born in 550 BCE) and was the founder of the Jain community. He attained enlightenment after 13 years of deprivation. In 420 BCE, he committed the act of salekhana which is fasting to death. Each Jina has “conquered love and hate, pleasure and pain, attachment and aversion, and has thereby freed `his’ soul from the karmas obscuring knowledge, perception, truth, and ability…”Jainist Beliefs and Practices.

About Jainism -  What is Jainism ? Jaincyclopedia

More About Jainism or Jain Dharma  Visit - Jain Cyclopedia

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