Wednesday 14 January 2015

Jain Anmol Vachan - Muni Pragyasagar


Jain Anmol Vachan - Muni Pragyasagar

Khil Sako To Fool Ki Tarah Khilo
Jal Sako To Deep Ki Tarah Jalo
Mil Sako To Dudh Main Pani Ki Tarah Milo
Dhal Sako To Dhatu Ki Tarah Dhalo
Aise He Jeevan Ki Niti Ho, Riti Ho , Preeti Ho…

Monday 12 January 2015

The founder of Jainism

 The founder of Jain Religion-  Jain Dharma

    Some People Peoples think That  fouder of Jainism was Mahavira
  1. Mahavira

  2.              "The religion derives its name from the jinas ("conquerors"), a title given to twenty-four great teachers (tirthankaras or "ford-makers"), through whom their faith was revealed. Mahavira, the last of the tirthankaras, is considered the founder of Jainism." According to
 The founder of Jain Religion-  Jain Dharma

There is no founder of Jainism. Jains believe that our universe has always been and will always continue to be here, so there can be no founder. However, the level of devotion towards religious practices varies. Therefore, every few million years (the equivalent of one Jain time cycle – Kaalchakra), a group of 24 saints/perfect role-models (known as Tirthankaras) re-establishes order and preach about ahimsa (non-violence) and other Jain tenets. The most well-known of the current saints is Lord Mahavira, the 24th saint, who was born in 599 BC in modern day Bihar, India. The first of the current group is Lord Rishabdev, who lived many years before Mahavira.\

More About Jain Dharma -   JainCyclopedia - All aAbout Jainism

What is the relationship between Hindu and Jain Religions?

        The relationship between Hindu and Jain Dharma

Hindu and Jain, both religions are independent. It is a wrong belief that the Jain religion is derived from the Vedic religion. Because of the thousands of years of common history and parallel culture of Hindus and Jains, there are many similarities. Both religions preach that non-violence constitutes the supreme religion. Hindus and Jains are not distinguishable when it comes to their attitude towards the life. It should be also noted that there are some distinct differences between these two religions. 
The relationship between Hindu and Jain Dharma - JainCyclopedia

The concept of “non-violence” is much more detailed in Jainism. We, Jains do not believe that the universe was created. We believe that the universe is self-regulated. No one decides for us what we should get. We believe that we are the master of our own destiny. There is no divine power who decides for us. We believe all living beings are equal and all human beings are capable of achieving the liberation regardless of their race, cast, sex or color. We do not believe that the souls who have gone to Moksha come back to earth (take a rebirth) to save the world.

More Info About Jain Dharma - JainCyclopedia

Saturday 10 January 2015

Jain Dharma - Jainism Founder ?

The world's most ancient religion of Jainism is called the Sramnon. Rishabhnath first Tirthankara is mentioned in the Vedas. It is believed that in the Vedic literature mentions Ytion and Wratyon Shramana Brahmin tradition and tradition were not. Manusmrti Licchavi, Nath, wrestling etc. Wratyon Kshatriyas is counted.

The origin of Jainism in India's ancient traditions. The period of the Aryans arishtanemi Rishabhdev and is described in Jain tradition. Head of the religion were Mahabartkal Neminath.

Arisht Neminath the 22nd Tirthankara of Jainism was a cousin of Lord Krishna. Jainism among black men have their Trassht spill, which is one of twelve Naraynon. It was believed that in the next Chaubisi first Jain Tirthankara Krishna said.

In the eighth century BC, the 23th Tirthankara Parshwanath, who was born in Kashi. Shreyansanath the 11th Tirthankara of Kashi was born. Sarnath is practiced in the name of these names.

Parsvnath God did not exist as far as the tradition ever organized. Parsvnath sect began to Parsvnath embodying the tradition found. Parsvnath sect was Mahavira.

jain dharma history
Shramana sect of Jainism was first created by Parsvnath sect. They were against the Vedic tradition Shramana. This is a separate entity from the Jainism began to concoct. Mahavira and Buddha during a Buddhist and a Jain was the Shramana. Made two different branches.

In 599 BC, the last Tirthankara Mahavira was systematically tirthankaras religion and tradition. Kaivalya the highway was built. Union built system - Muni, Aryika, and Sravika disciples. That is called Cturvig Union. Lord Mahavira renounced died at the age of 72 years.

In the same period of Lord Mahavira and Srmnon Videhion named the tradition that (Jan) had, namely to win their senses.

Religious differences: Asoka records shows that the promotion of their time in Magadha was Jainism. Around the same time, the monasteries began to settle differences in the Jain saints that there should be dressed or naked idols of Tirthankaras. Jain Munis also differed on whether or not to wear garments.

The differences were further increased. Jesus came in the first century saint who Jains divided into two teams. A group called Shwetambar, whose sage white garments (clothing) used to wear, and the second group, which called Digambar monk naked (without clothes) lived.

Shwetambar and Digambar Introduction: Lord Mahavira Jain worked to organize the course, but the Jain religion originally was divided into two sects: Shwetambar and Digambar.

The differences in the two sects of the character is more than philosophical principles. Digambar conduct more rigorous adherence while Shwetambar some generous. Shwetambar the Digambar sect muni muni wear white to practice being nude. This rule applies only to saints.

Digambara sect believes that the proceeds have been lost treatise, Kaivalya received wisdom and the female body does not need food to prove knowledge of the Kaivalya not possible; But do not let Shwetambar sect.

There are three branches of Digambara Mndirmargi, pagan and Terapnthi, and Shvetambara Sthankwasi the Mndirmargi and two branches.

Digambara sect not wear Muni. 'Dig' direction considered. Amber direction which he Digambar. In the Vedas it 'Watrsna' said. Muni white robes are the Shwetambar sect. 300 years ago as a branch of Shvetambara out 'Sthankwasi. They do not worship idols.

Terhpnthi Jains, Bispnthi, Tarnpnthi, Yapaniy etc. are some other sub-disciplines. In all branches of Jainism, Mahavira and violence despite the little differences, all in moderation and common belief Anekantwad.

Gupta period: in the first century of the Christian king of Kalinga Kharavel accepted the Jain religion. Mathura in northern India in the early period of Jesus and the great center of Jainism in South India were Mysore.

From the fifth to the twelfth century Gang south, Kdmbu, Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas dynasties contributed to the propagation of Jainism. These kings numerous Jain sages, poets had received shelter and assistance.

Eleventh century around the Chalukya dynasty king and his son Kumarpal Siddharaj declared the state religion of Jainism in Gujarat was the wide publicity.

Mughal: Mughal rule Hindu, Jain and Buddhist temples temples invader eradicate Muslims were targeted 70 per cent. In an atmosphere of panic Jain monastery slowly began to break up and disintegrating society but the people got together to preserve Jainism. Indian culture of the people of the Jain religion, culture and society is extremely important in developing.

More About Jain Dharma Visit - Jain Cyclopedia

What Is Jainism ?

Jainism traces its roots to a succession of 24 Jinas (“those who overcome”, or conqueror) in ancient East India. The first Jina is traditionally believed to have been a giant who lived 8.4 million years ago. The most recent and last Jina was Vardhamana (a.k.a. Mahavira, “The Great Hero”) He was born in 550 BCE) and was the founder of the Jain community. He attained enlightenment after 13 years of deprivation. In 420 BCE, he committed the act of salekhana which is fasting to death. Each Jina has “conquered love and hate, pleasure and pain, attachment and aversion, and has thereby freed `his’ soul from the karmas obscuring knowledge, perception, truth, and ability…”Jainist Beliefs and Practices.

About Jainism -  What is Jainism ? Jaincyclopedia

More About Jainism or Jain Dharma  Visit - Jain Cyclopedia